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注名在線雲端存儲服務Dropbox推出了Android app

NXUNews 在 25-02-2012 03:51 PM 發表 | 類別: 手機、平板軟件

相信很人都會使用Dropbox,而Dropbox昨天在Android Market放置了官方app,方便各位用家。如果你是喜愛Dropbox,又是Android的用家,閱讀全文了解更多和下載吧!如果你是iOS的用家,請你耐心等待,Dropbox表示iOS版也會很快到來。

說明[轉自Android Market(Google翻譯)]:

說明[轉自Android Market]:
Dropbox lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere.
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere. After you install Dropbox on your computer, any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, your Android device, and even the Dropbox website! With the Dropbox app, you can take everything that matters to you on the go.
Read your docs or flip through your albums when you're out and about. Save photos or videos to your Dropbox and share them with friends in just a couple taps. Even if you accidentally leave your Android in a taxi, your stuff is always safe on Dropbox.
• Always have your stuff with you, no matter where you are.
• Save photos and videos to your Dropbox.
• Share your photos and docs with family and friends.
• Save email attachments straight to your Dropbox.
• Easily edit docs in your Dropbox.



Android Market連結:

Hey everyone!
You’ve been there. After a long night out, you left your phone in the cab. Or maybe you went canoeing and sent your camera for a swim. Buying a new one hurts, but the worst part is that all those photos and videos are long gone. Even when nothing bad happens, it’s no fun having to track down photos spread across your computers, your PowerShot, or that old cracked phone.

We’re excited to share a simple new way to help you bring all your photos and videos together in one place. It doesn’t matter what kind of camera or phone you have. And since this one place is in Dropbox, you can have all your photos and videos with you wherever you are. Here’s the scoop:

Starting today for Android, and coming soon for iOS, the Dropbox mobile apps can automatically upload your photos and videos to Dropbox using Wi-Fi or your data plan. They’re all uploaded at original size and full quality, and saved to a private folder in your Dropbox called Camera Uploads where they’re ready to view or share. Here’s a shot of the Android app in action:

Meanwhile, the new version of our Windows and Mac desktop apps can automatically upload from just about any camera, smartphone, tablet, or SD card you connect to your computer. If you’ve got great shots stranded on your Coolpix or piling up on your Canon 5D, all you’ve got to do is plug it in. We’re putting these apps through their final paces now — check here if you want to help get the kinks out!

Once your photos have been automatically uploaded to Dropbox, you’ll be able to check them out using a sneak peek of our new website. The new dropbox.com makes it way more fun and easy to flip through your pictures, where they’ll be as big and beautiful as your screen allows.

We’re really excited about these new features, and we think you’ll like them. To help you get started saving your photos, we’ll give you 500 MB of Dropbox space for your first automatic upload. As you take more photos and videos, you can use this feature to automatically upload up to a total of 3 GB extra for free.

We want to give a huge shoutout to our friends on the forums who helped us test these features. Thanks everyone!

To get started with the new Android app, head over to the Market now!



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