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Adobe發表Photoshop CS6 beta

NXUNews 在 22-03-2012 06:17 PM 發表 | 類別: 電腦軟件或遊戲

很多人期待的Photoshop CS6終於發表了,雖然只是beta版本,但都可以試試新功能。繼CS5及CS5.5後又一大作,Photoshop CS6增加了約65個新功能,更改了深灰色的介面,擁有新的裁切工具、新的濾鏡和新的向量繪圖工具,閱讀全文了解更多吧!

Beta版本暫支援英語和日語。在價格方面,Photoshop CS6的單一普通版本售格為$699美元(約$5430港元/$20640台幣),而Extended則需$999美元(約$7760港元/$29500台幣)。


界面設計不錯,採用深灰色令眼睛較舒適,圖示(icon)和舊的相比也較明顯、易看及美觀。因為Photoshop CS6還是Beta版本,所以我們並沒有作出詳細評測,只作簡單試用。

官方下載(3月22日12年版本 22-3-2012 UTC+8收錄):
Download Photoshop CS6 beta for Mac (DMG, 984 MB)
Download Photoshop CS6 beta for Windows (ZIP, 1.7 GB)


A whole new experience in digital image editing

Thank you for checking out the Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 beta. The world’s best digital image editing software is about to get even better. Explore Photoshop CS6 beta for a sneak preview of some of the incredible performance enhancements, imaging magic, and creativity tools we are working on. Discover for yourself why Photoshop CS6 software will be a whole new experience in digital image editing.

Photoshop CS6 Highlights

Content-Aware Patch — Patch images with greater control using the newest member of the Content-Aware family of technologies. Choose the sample area you want to use to create your patch, and then watch Content-Aware Patch magically blend pixels for a stunning result.
Blazingly fast performance and a modern UI — Experience unprecedented performance with the Mercury Graphics Engine, which gives you near-instant results when you edit with key tools such as Liquify, Puppet Warp, and Crop.* Plus, a refined, fresh, and elegant Photoshop interface features dark background options that make your images pop.
New and re-engineered design tools — Create superior designs fast. Get consistent formatting with type styles, create and apply custom strokes and dashed lines to shapes, quickly search layers, and much more.

You will also discover hundreds of new ways to work faster and with greater creative freedom and precision when you dive into Photoshop CS6 beta.

Important Notes About Photoshop CS6 Beta
Photoshop CS6 beta includes all the features in Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CS6 Extended. Take this opportunity to try out the 3D image editing and quantitative image analysis capabilities of Photoshop Extended*, but note that—while these features will be included in the shipping version of Photoshop CS6 Extended—they will not be included in the shipping version of Photoshop CS6.
Adobe ID login and online activation are required either at installation or within seven days after your first launch of the Photoshop CS6 beta. The same requirements will be in place for the shipping version of Photoshop CS6 when it is released. Your Adobe ID provides multiple benefits, including an easy way to access your serial numbers, the Adobe.com community, and the upcoming Adobe Creative Cloud™ membership.
Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CS6 Extended will be part of the Adobe Creative Suite®, and Photoshop CS6 Extended will be part of Adobe Creative Cloud membership. Both Photoshop editions will also be available separately.
For updates from the Photoshop team, join Photoshop on Facebook, follow Photoshop on Twitter, and check out the Photoshop.com blog.
* 3D features and some GPU-enabled features are not supported on Windows XP.





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