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香港4月20日Google Play Store熱門免費下載的應用程式頭三位~

NXUNews 在 20-04-2012 10:38 PM 發表 | 類別: 手機、平板軟件

Google Play Store每天都在更新,而且台灣、中國或在其它地方的Android用家在普通程況下都不能看到香港Google Play Store的排名,而這次是香港4月20日熱門免費下載的應用程式頭三位。


說明(Google Play Store):
You can turn on/off Bad expression filter in Setting tap
SimSimi Quotes that you can share conversations with SimSimi has just been released!
Please upload fun quotes.
(the funtion; sharing on facebook & twitter will be added soon.)
SimSimi is a super advanced chatting robot that makes amusing conversation to engage with users.Using this app is really simple. Just start a talk session at your touch screen then Simsimi will instantly greet you with a cheerful chat. Like those typical messaging apps, just send your message through a chatting box. Dont be surprised by Simsimis fast response. Its a super-duper robot, you know!Simsimis vocabulary grows by your input. You can teach Simsimi your own words as other users teach their own ones too. If Simsimi has no data to answer your former message, it will say 'I HAVE NO RESPONSE'. Then you might select the 'TEACH' tab and instruct it your own words in a paired form of request & response. Once you teach Simsimi a pair of words, it will make a response with those words immediately (approx. 3 minutes).Have fun with the cutest chatting robot ever, Simsimi!
SimSimi web version is available now!
We are introducing an alternative way to chat with SimSimi.
For users waiting for bug fixes or those using Blackberry, Windows Mobile, etc, a web version for SimSimi is available in the meantime at http://simsimi.com.
SimSimi was originally developed to be a fun and friendly chatting robot. Things SimSimi says are totally taught by users and not intended by the developer. This means there are some abusers that are making SimSimi to say nasty words.

Play Store連結:


說明(Google Play Store):
"Voice Search" - 想找訊息但嫌鍵盤輸入太慢?你可以用說話來代替打字。只要按一下搜索框旁的米高峰,看見 “請開始說話” 的提示後直接說出查詢的關鍵字,Google搜尋結果就會在瀏覽器裡顯示。

Play Store連結:

第三位,也是Google的Google 地圖的「街景服務」

說明(Google Play Store):
Google 地圖的「街景服務」帶您輕鬆探索全世界的大街小巷!
透過 Google 地圖提供的「街景服務」,您就能夠以置身街頭的角度來探索世界。想要一睹熱門的著名地標,還是事先查看您想遊覽的地點?不論遠在天邊或近在咫尺,「街景服務」都能滿足您的需求,甚至還能透過虛擬技術,帶您體驗環遊世界的樂趣。
如果您想使用「街景服務」,請先開啟 Google 地圖,然後搜尋特定地點或按住地圖,接著輕觸 [街景服務] 選項即可。
還想更加瞭解「街景服務」,或想查看可在哪些地區使用「街景服務」嗎?歡迎前往 maps.google.com/streetview。

Play Store連結:

如對這些應用程式(apps)有興趣,可點擊Play Store連結了解更多!
1. ★★★★☆
2. ★★★☆☆
3. ★★☆☆☆


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