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Google 為自家的手機廣告加入防誤觸功能

NXUNews 在 15-12-2012 05:44 PM 發表 | 類別: 手機資訊

不知大家有否在一些內含廣告的 apps 誤觸廣告,然後就跳到瀏覽器或 Play Store 呢?如果有的話,相信你會感到很不方便。因此,Google 為了解決這問題,便為自家的手機廣告加入防誤觸功能。

針對這個問題,Google 將自家的手機廣告(AdMod)作出更新,當用家點擊廣告後,廣告會出現一個確認按鈕,例如「Visit Site」,再點擊按鈕後便會前往廣告的網站(跳到瀏覽器)。這不但令用家更方便,同時亦能感低廣告刊登者因為這些誤觸而需付款的問題,換言之,部分以手機廣告(AdMod)來賺錢的用家可能會不喜歡。各位認為如何呢?

Combating accidental clicks in mobile ads
Ads on smartphones are effective, but many of us have at some point clicked on an ad by accident, which ultimately is a bad experience for the user, the publisher, and the advertiser who pays for clicks that may not be valuable. Our team has been analyzing the types of ad formats where accidental clicks are more likely to occur due to ad layout and placement, and are constantly looking at ways that we can combat them. Today, we’re introducing confirmed clicks into all in-app image ad banners on smartphones, which reduces accidental clicks by prompting the user to confirm that they intended to click on the ad.

We find that most accidental clicks on in-app image ads happen at the outer edge of the ad unit, likely when you’re trying to click or scroll to nearby content. Now if you click on the outer border of the ad, we’ll prompt you to verify that you actually meant to click on the ad to learn more.

This builds on our previous efforts with confirmed clicks for text ad banners on smartphones, which we introduced a few years ago. In the text ad format, tapping on the blue arrow button takes you to the advertiser’s ad destination, whereas tapping anywhere else in the ad prompts you to confirm your click.

By expanding confirmed clicks to in-app image ad banners, we’re now making this improved user experience consistent across the vast majority of the ads that we serve in mobile apps. In our initial tests, we found that confirmed clicks notably improve mobile conversion rates, with a slight decrease in clickthrough rate as accidental clicks are avoided.

This is only the beginning. As devices continue to converge there will be new challenges in the fight against what many have called the ‘fat finger’ problem. But implementing confirmed clicks is an important step that we think will benefit users, advertisers, publishers, and the mobile ecosystem overall, and we’ll continue to look for ways to improve mobile ads for everyone.


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